Posts Tagged: network society

Going to not going from

Going to not going from

I have rewritten this first sentence about 20 times because its hard to express how sad I am be leaving my current team at the same time as expressing my huge pride and delight at the fact I am leaving in order to join Adur and Worthing Councils as Director of communities. I have admired

Do you have 5 minutes?

Do you have 5 minutes?

This is a quick capture of the informal research I want to do around the social movements topic.  My first approach is going to be to ask people their examples of social movements and then ask them to respond to the word cloud (in the image) but circling the words that resonate most to them. 

Socialising some social movement thinking

Socialising some social movement thinking

We are doing some work on future trends and disrupters at CRUK. This is to help inform our organisational strategy thinking going forward and is also a good opportunity to check in with some of the assumptions and ideas that underpin how we think about ourselves. This blogpost is my ‘working out loud’ for the bit that I’m working on and so shouldn’t be taken as an organisational view of things. I am also sure that any views I have here will change as we start to explore this more and I hear more from colleagues about some of our previous explorations in these spaces.

2019 enquiries:  Getting started

2019 enquiries: Getting started

I wrote at the start of the year that I wanted to open up my personal enquiry for the year and see who else is interested in the things I am interested in.  I’ve spoken to a few people about this and have some takers so this post is intended to get the ball rolling