This is a quick capture of the informal research I want to do around the social movements topic. My first approach is going to be to ask people their examples of social movements and then ask them to respond to the word cloud (in the image) but circling the words that resonate most to them. This is going to help me test the fundamentals that I have started the framing with to see if these do ‘fit’. For reference these are:
- Across all of these domains; the concept of social movements speaks to a shift on power from institutions to networks and a greater (theoretical) voice for the individual.
- The motivations and identifications of the people who make these social movements are as important as the form of organisation
- The centrality of networks and their dominance over hierarchical structures
- The final fundamental is informality.
If you have the time or inclination you could also send me your responses on the three questions…..
I’ve drawn the words from the framework that I think helps tease out the different dimensions of this topic as relevant to CRUK but I won’t share that before I have tested it a bit as that’s just going to compromise the data. This is a fairly simple way of creating a semi-structured interview approach which I can test and then get some volunteers to help me with.
I am doing a bit of a literature review that is sitting behind all of this but I want to see if I can figure out the natural home of this for CRUK and then dig a bit deeper into the relevant literature – the short post in the initial article show my starting point for that.
Once we have the right framing here are the questions that I think we need to explore:
- Are these four fundamentals right and/or relevant?
- How are social movement developing – what is the direction of travel?
- What are the contextual factors that could change that direction of travel?
- What criteria could we develop to understand the relevance of this trend to CRUK?
But I expect these to change…….
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