Posts Tagged: action research

The why I blog blog

The why I blog blog

This is just a short intro to this blog to explain what its about.  Its also a bit of a user guide for people I work with so you can understand what I am doing here. It started as effectively the field notes for my doctoral research.  As I was researching social media it felt

Ethical technology?

Ethical technology?

Forget about values – its about ethics these days Ethical thinking must be a significant shaper of technology in the 2020s. I am not in the habit of making predictions so let’s call this a hope based on a growing sense that people are starting to really look at the consequences – intended and otherwise

Do you have 5 minutes?

Do you have 5 minutes?

This is a quick capture of the informal research I want to do around the social movements topic.  My first approach is going to be to ask people their examples of social movements and then ask them to respond to the word cloud (in the image) but circling the words that resonate most to them. 

2019 enquiries:  Getting started

2019 enquiries: Getting started

I wrote at the start of the year that I wanted to open up my personal enquiry for the year and see who else is interested in the things I am interested in.  I’ve spoken to a few people about this and have some takers so this post is intended to get the ball rolling

Making the whole greater than the sum of the parts

Making the whole greater than the sum of the parts

My team has a rich set of skills. We draw both from the established disciplines like business analysis and project management but also from the newer disciplines of user research, content strategy and service design. We have a design principle that commits us to being agile first (you can read more about our design principles

Creating a personal firebreak

Creating a personal firebreak

I really enjoyed reading about how the Helpful Technology gang managed to create what they call a firebreak for themselves — a pause in their work that allows them both to work on their own projects but also catch up on some of the housekeeping work that always gets pushed to the bottom of the pile (or

Week notes 20th April

Week notes 20th April

Last week was about trying to work a balance between thinking and doing – trying to ask questions but also starting to get properly involved. The question I find myself asking most often is ‘do I know enough to act?”. But as I get properly wired into the team – and questions come and find