Field Notes

Democratic dreams

Democratic dreams

Another post with some dreams – very much from a personal perspective and as someone who has been thinking and researching in this space for a fair while now… While devolution is a huge and wide scale shift in how our democracy and state will operate its very very light in terms of democratic innovation

Devolution by design

Devolution by design

Speaking very personally, I’m living with the tension between being passionately up for both local government reorganisation and devolution and my equally strongly held belief that how you do something really has an impact on the outcome you are creating. This was always going to be a messy process and the balance between figure it

Digital dreams

Digital dreams

In my other start of the year post I talked about some of my democratic and design dreams for the year – in this one I want to share my digital dreams. Stepping back from devolution question and into the reorganisation one, the opportunity for modernisation which comes with the creation dozens of new organisations

Setting up 2025

Setting up 2025

I’m having a slightly unusual start to the year as my husband and I (along with half of the rest of the country it seems!) have been absolutely wiped out by some kind of bug and we are just about staggering back into the real world. It makes me extra grateful that I have as

Week (ish) notes

Week (ish) notes

I’ve been on holiday* and have used some of the time to catch up on things I wanted to capture here and perhaps come back to: I have am still getting responses to my piece on buying better stuff (thank you!) and I am going to invite people who are interested to a virtual workshop

Setting up for 2024

Setting up for 2024

Given I only managed to post my 2023 intentions in August it feels a bit soon to be posting again – but here we are with some intentions for 2024 – all written alongside the annual sorting week. Part of my sorting this year is to get a proper AI reading and thinking approach together