
Taking the red pill…..

Taking the red pill…..

I hope The Matrix reference resonates – but in case of confusion its explained here – I’m using the pop culture rather than the political framing for it! We’re in the process of creating a new organisational design and operating model that will better reflect and allow us to deliver on the ambitions of Our

Socialising some social movement thinking

Socialising some social movement thinking

We are doing some work on future trends and disrupters at CRUK. This is to help inform our organisational strategy thinking going forward and is also a good opportunity to check in with some of the assumptions and ideas that underpin how we think about ourselves. This blogpost is my ‘working out loud’ for the bit that I’m working on and so shouldn’t be taken as an organisational view of things. I am also sure that any views I have here will change as we start to explore this more and I hear more from colleagues about some of our previous explorations in these spaces.

Another August firebreak

Another August firebreak

I’m taking another firebreak week – though circumstances mean that its actually a firebreak 3 days with a day in the office and a day with DemSoc in-between but the essence is there! I have a few things I want to look at and expect these to spill over into the rest of the month:

Week notes:  24th February 2019

Week notes: 24th February 2019

I’ve been a bit lax with the 500 words partly because I have been on holiday but partly because I have been brooding over the RBKC post which I just published. Having set that free – and also published the piece I wrote about my research interests for the year here I am again.

Week notes 14th May 2018

Week notes 14th May 2018

Picture above is of a blackbird that is nesting in the rosebush outside the garage. We now have to creep around when extracting anything and also can’t BBQ as its nested just above it but we have fingers crossed we will get hatchlings this year! As the observant will have noticed I missed putting a