Field Notes

Liminal space

Liminal space

This is quick personal note about leadership and ambiguity. I’m just about to step into the interim CEX role. I’m excited about this and feel very fortunate to be so well supported by by Martin and Paul, the other 2 directors as well as feeling grateful for the thoughtful and generous handover Alex is doing



Even when we are way beyond school age summer feels like a time of transition and this summer more than ever. It seems both endless and goes in the blink of an eye. Time has been distorted by our year of pandemic and I am feeling that sense of summer transition more than ever. I

Being Human

Being Human

I wanted to spotlight this wonderful piece from @georgejulian about curative candour.  George always writes with huge passion, rawness and insight but this piece about the effect that real honest and painful candour had when her mum was diagnosed with cancer is – and I don’t say this lightly – humbling. I have such admiration

Enquiry map:  January 2021

Enquiry map: January 2021

This is a continuation of the previous iteration of the map which you can see here.  The enquiry map is an action research process to help me work through the early stages of working out what the actual questions are that need experimenting with.  I’m also going to use it to form a bit of

Setting an intent:  2021

Setting an intent: 2021

This is my check in with myself for the year.  It links to other stuff that I do/write in this annual week of reflection / intention setting and cupboard sorting. You can see last years post here and if you interested here is the one from 2019. How did 2020 go? Mmmmm…..dare I say unprecedented? 

The why I blog blog

The why I blog blog

This is just a short intro to this blog to explain what its about.  Its also a bit of a user guide for people I work with so you can understand what I am doing here. It started as effectively the field notes for my doctoral research.  As I was researching social media it felt