Field Notes

Plan the day not just the work

Plan the day not just the work

In 2018 I wrote a few things about something I called mindful diary. I rather lost a grip on this in the later part of last year – not helped by an office move to Stratford and the fact that this has made quite a big impact on my commute. This post is me coming

2020:  setting an(other) intent

2020: setting an(other) intent

As ever I am spending these first few days of the year pottering about sorting at home, thinking and writing. I love this time hunkered down at home, the house is cosy and the dog walks are tranquil with the countryside sleeping (albeit it doing so underwater). This post is a check in on where

Do you have 5 minutes?

Do you have 5 minutes?

This is a quick capture of the informal research I want to do around the social movements topic.  My first approach is going to be to ask people their examples of social movements and then ask them to respond to the word cloud (in the image) but circling the words that resonate most to them. 

Health as a social movement

Health as a social movement

The NHS has an ongoing interest in the concept of health as a social movement and has commissioned and co-delivered work from NESTA and the RSA amongst others to explore this.   One of the most sophisticated exploration of this was the NHS Citizen programme a few years ago which in the interests of full

Another august firebreak – redux

Another august firebreak – redux

Events, dear boy, events……as Harold Macmillan may or may not have said….. This is a bit of a check in how the week has gone. I think fair to say considerably less serenity than last year which is down to me not protecting the time enough and also to the time coinciding with having the

6 month notes

6 month notes

I’ve been away this week – walking on the Isle of Wight which has been lovely. This post is a wrap up of what I’ve been working on in my head while I was yomping along by the sea. Nearly 6 months into the year I wanted to check in with the three areas of

Week notes 31.03.19

Week notes 31.03.19

It was unusual week in that I went to three different conferences – a bit like buses after having had none for a while they all came along at once. It was a mix of old and new as two of them where charity sector focused and the third policing and digital public safety –

Week notes:  24th February 2019

Week notes: 24th February 2019

I’ve been a bit lax with the 500 words partly because I have been on holiday but partly because I have been brooding over the RBKC post which I just published. Having set that free – and also published the piece I wrote about my research interests for the year here I am again.

2019 enquiries:  Getting started

2019 enquiries: Getting started

I wrote at the start of the year that I wanted to open up my personal enquiry for the year and see who else is interested in the things I am interested in.  I’ve spoken to a few people about this and have some takers so this post is intended to get the ball rolling