Posts Tagged: Council 2.0

Emergent ideas:  Its a frame-changer

Emergent ideas:  Its a frame-changer

Sociologists use the term framing to describe the way in which your prior experiences – cultural and personal – give context to way in which you approach a problem or issue.  Its a central aspect of how the public sphere operates and critical to our decision making process – both formal and informal.  As a

Social Media is the new black

Social Media is the new black

When it comes to leadership I believe in zero tolerance for digital ignorance.  The more I work with senior teams and around digital transformation projects the more strongly I believe that leaders need to make sure that they have relevant and robust skills around technology because without these they are making decisions with at best

Democratic coproduction or the coproduction of democracy?

Democratic coproduction or the coproduction of democracy?

There are no good answers without good questions. The spaces in-between which connect different concepts are often relatively unexplored – I think this is the lure of multi-disciplinary work – these spaces express the tension between ideas but are also the connectors and bridges between different groups of thinkers and practitioners. I have for a