Posts Tagged: Thinking in Public

Week (ish) notes

Week (ish) notes

I’ve been on holiday* and have used some of the time to catch up on things I wanted to capture here and perhaps come back to: I have am still getting responses to my piece on buying better stuff (thank you!) and I am going to invite people who are interested to a virtual workshop

Shape the market and buy better stuff

Shape the market and buy better stuff

Last week we stopped the implementation of a major upgrade of a piece of legacy software as it really didn’t meet the hype it was sold with and clearly wasn’t going to support our modernisation work. Stopping something like this is hard in any circumstances and stopping a project with sunk costs – emotional and

Setting up for 2024

Setting up for 2024

Given I only managed to post my 2023 intentions in August it feels a bit soon to be posting again – but here we are with some intentions for 2024 – all written alongside the annual sorting week. Part of my sorting this year is to get a proper AI reading and thinking approach together



I’ve been thinking about governance a lot recently – how and where we make decisions – and specifically how we make them robust and trusted how we make them fast enough to get stuff done rather than admiring problems How we manage the tension between these two things How you build in accountability with the