Posts Tagged: network society

Open by Default

I find myself using the phrase ‘open by default’ more and more frequently. This post is an attempt to explore what I mean. We use so many of these terms so rather loosely so that they start to lose their meaning – engage, participate, innovate, open – if we want to keep the power in

CityCamp Brighton – my 20 things

Rather than a huge piece that might take me a while to mull over here (with HT to Dan Slee for the suggestion) are my 20 observations from CityCamp this weekend: We all owe Anthony and Susie huge thanks for their work in the organisation.  I helped – but not much.  Will do better next

my 20 things from #ukgov12

If you pitch 4 sessions you will have a lot to write up We have moved on from last year – more stuff is mainstream and big ideas are being taken seriously.  However we now need to focus on building a proper evidence base to stop ourselves running away with ideas that we have not

Of course we have an agenda

Happy New year! I have been off in a Christmas and PHD (and drink) filled bubble for the last few weeks but as I am back in the office on the 9th I need to catch up on some blogging – which is a welcome change from the tedious but necessary process of brutally editing