Field Notes

People, place and networks – story #1

It has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except all the others that have been tried. (Winston Churchill) I have been exploring finding the narrative in my research to try and make my thesis a less painful document to read… is the first attempt. There is a problem that needs thinking

The inevitable “Why I blog” blog

I picked up a conversation on twitter last week where someone was attacking the role of academics and suggesting they shouldn’t criticise practitioners as writing and thinking aren’t as important as doing. I disagree – the act of reflecting and studying action is in my view essential if we are to learn from our actions

Technological determinism – or not

I had breakfast with my supervisor last week which is always a pleasure – and pretty much guaranteed to reboot and sharpen my thinking. We also reflected on the fact that though its a Good Thing that I have a first half first draft it is going to need taking apart and putting back together

Election reflection

Just a short piece this week as I had to write something for a print deadline this weekend – and finish that pesky research committee progress report – but I couldn’t let the week pass without just noting a couple of election thoughts.  In doing this I am sure I am joining hundreds of blogs