Posts Tagged: network society

Social Council: Thinking in Public

I spent last Friday in Solihull for the first ‘proper’ meeting about the Social Council – this post to an attempt to explain what it is – but not too much as I will explain. First then the current working definition of the social council: The Social Council will bring together social values, representing the

Are Comms the blockers?

Better late than never?  Here is a rather delayed writeup of a session I facilitated at CommsCamp…… Ok then, slightly provocative title but it did get people’s attention. The question I put to the group was about the fact that, within the wider organisation, communications are often seen as the blocker with respect to social media

20 things from BlueLightCamp13

Just blogging a quick 20 pointer (HT @Danslee) after a great weekend at BluelightCamp. I have blogged the network of networks here so this is a more general write up. Thank yous Thank you Sasha, Mark and Clare , Angus and Simon for a fab event. Really interesting mix of people and as ever with these

Bluelightcamp: Discussion on the network of networks and digital neighbourhoods

These are some notes from the discussion we had at Bluelightcamp on the network of networks concept. This is a collision of two projects I am currently working on: The network of networks project that was discussed at CityCamp Brighton The Citizenscape projects we are in the process of getting up and running (will write