Posts Tagged: governance

Week notes:  24th February 2019

Week notes: 24th February 2019

I’ve been a bit lax with the 500 words partly because I have been on holiday but partly because I have been brooding over the RBKC post which I just published. Having set that free – and also published the piece I wrote about my research interests for the year here I am again.

What makes a good decision?

What makes a good decision?

Its easy just to think that a good decision is one that has the right outcome but that’s magical thinking and assumes we make no mistakes. Good decisions are taken when we bring together knowledge, accountability and the views of the people who are most effected by the decision in a timely and transparent way.

Week notes 16th April

Week notes 16th April

I’m a little late with this weeks notes as I was seduced by the weather and spent most of the weekend outside – still not figured out what is digging holes in my raised beds so badger watch is still live…. Last week was about getting some structure around some of the things I want