
Build relationships not structures

The Fremont Troll – Community co-production at its finest. I went to hear Jim Diers speak last week – it was brilliant – many thanks to Colin Miller and BHCC for arranging it. I am still trying to get hold of the slides and will share them when I do but I wanted to blog about

my 20 things from #ukgov12

If you pitch 4 sessions you will have a lot to write up We have moved on from last year – more stuff is mainstream and big ideas are being taken seriously.  However we now need to focus on building a proper evidence base to stop ourselves running away with ideas that we have not

Making Localism a Reality

Interesting day today spent at a conference in Kent for Elected Members. We spent the day talking about, as the title says, making localism a reality. My slides from my session are below: As ever my focus was on giving members a reason to go online rather than trying to teach them how to use

Open comments to match open process

This is by way of a reflection on the creative councils programme and process rather than our specific project which I have covered off here.  I meant to post it last week but as ever events overtook me and I got distracted…. First off though – the team that NESTA put together was excellent and

Epic Localgovcamp

I drove up to Birmingham on a very wet Friday night with the feeling I usually have before an unconference – a mix of pleasant anticipation and mild resentment for giving up my weekend.  As ever I left feeling stimulated, challenged and warmed by the people I spent Saturday with.  Thank you all – and

Solace Masterclass slides

I’ve also put this up over at the Public-i Blog but in case you are interested this presentation is around social change and the network society and picks up on some of the agile theme from previous posts here.  Am working on something a little longer on this which I should get up later this

UKGC11 – thank you

I really had an excellent day at UKGovCamp yesterday (for other blogs and tweets have a look here) and before I go into the detail of it I want to take a moment to pause and thank Dave Briggs and Steph Gray for an outstanding organising job. Or as may be more accurate thank Steph for