Posts Tagged: ukgc12

Taking the Technology out of Agile – #UKGC12

This is my write up of the session that @pubstrat and I curated at UKGC12. Large apologies for the delay. @pubstrat and I have been meaning to have coffee and general catchup ever since UKGC11 and I am hugely glad we finally managed it as it set my brain buzzing – will be stalking him

my 20 things from #ukgov12

If you pitch 4 sessions you will have a lot to write up We have moved on from last year – more stuff is mainstream and big ideas are being taken seriously.  However we now need to focus on building a proper evidence base to stop ourselves running away with ideas that we have not

#ukgc12 – Elected PCC Session

Huge thanks to the folks who joined me for the session on elected Police and Crime Commissioners – including @demsoc, @Nickkeane, @SashaTayler and a some others who I don’t yet know on twitter. I used the session to test and expand some work I have been doing on this which you can read about here.