Welcome and thanks for visiting. This blog is where I write about projects I am working on, capture my research in progress and generally organise my thinking in public. It helps me enormously to have a place to do this – I hope you also find it useful. I try and maintain a running post with some definitions and background reading that may be helpful.
I tend to roam between designing for democracy and more general thinking about technology driven change and the digital mindset. I’m increasing thinking about systems practice as well as my own leadership practice. You may find it helpful to read this ‘why I blog blog’ but suffice to say that this a place where I share my thinking in public but that means its subject to change and may look quite different when its actually applied in my role at Adur and Worthing.
If you are looking for my professional bio then you need to head over to LinkedIn . If you are trying to find me online for a more research orientated discussion then you can find me on twitter as @curiousc. If you want to contact to me about speaking at an event then you can contact me via either of these routes.
Dr Catherine Howe
Here are some of the things I am currently working on:
Latest posts
Fantasy system…what would you dream?
I have been pitching an idea for a while now which almost always lands well and which I can’t leave alone, so I thought I would put it out more widely in the universe and see what happens…. I want to be part of an event which brings together a ...
Taking the red pill…..
I hope The Matrix reference resonates – but in case of confusion its explained here – I’m using the pop culture rather than the political framing for it! We’re in the process of creating a new organisational design and operating model that will better reflect and allow us to deliver ...
Missions of various sizes and shapes
Not long before Christmas we published ‘Our Plan’ which is the culmination of nearly a year of ‘thinking, feeling and doing’ and I am hugely proud of what we have created. It’s not a strategy – but instead it is a description of the kind of organisation we want to ...
Setting an intention: better late than never
I wrote this piece back in January but didn’t post it and I was going to discard it but decided not to as I like being able to hold myself to account for this stuff at the end of the year – and so here it is: Anticipate I use ...
In which everything is STILL extremely very important and urgent
I wrote about our approach to prioritisation a while ago and we have been progressing the work. Spoiler alert: its still really bloody hard and there is still more stuff to do than time (or people) to do it. The cost of living crisis that we see unfolding in front ...
Why we are not setting the why on fire
We are working hard now on how we take the detail of Our Plan and the next stages of our change work out to the members and wider organisation and we have circled back around to the why question – why exactly are we doing this? It’s a good question ...
The end of the beginning
I’ve written about what we are doing on strategy / not strategy and I’ve come to write more about it again a few times but backed away as it didn’t feel ready, but we are moving into a new phase of the work now and making it more open internally ...
Design principles and being kind
If design is the bringing together of form and function, then design principles are the organising statements that help us to navigate the myriad decisions that we are faced as we create anything, be it a product, a building or in our case an organisation. Design principles can also help ...
Designing for democratic systems
I was sitting down to prep for my workshop at NotWestminster in a few weeks when I came across the write up I did for my 2020 session and clearly failed to post – oops. Looking back there is much of this which is alive in the work we are ...
Digital Leadership All posts
Government Digital Service redux
This is a quick ‘hot take’ as the kids say about the launch of the ...
Field Notes All posts
Democratic dreams
Another post with some dreams – very much from a personal perspective and as someone ...
NHS Citizen All posts
NHS Citizen design – agile but structured
I wanted to capture my first reflection from the final NHS Citizen design workshop last ...