Thinking and doing: theory and practice

Welcome and thanks for visiting.  This blog is where I write about projects I am working on, capture my research in progress and generally organise my thinking in public.  It helps me enormously to have a place to do this – I hope you also find it useful.  I try and maintain a running post with some definitions and background reading that may be helpful.

I tend to roam between designing for democracy and more general thinking about technology driven change and the digital mindset.   I’m increasing thinking about systems practice as well as my own leadership practice. You may find it helpful to read this ‘why I blog blog’ but suffice to say that this a place where I share my thinking in public but that means its subject to change and may look quite different when its actually applied in my role at Adur and Worthing.

If you are looking for my professional bio then you need to head over to LinkedIn . If you are trying to find me online for a more research orientated discussion then you can find me on twitter as @curiousc.  If you want to contact to me about speaking at an event then you can contact me via either of these routes.

Dr Catherine Howe

Here are some of the things I am currently working on:

Latest posts
In which we can no longer afford to be efficient

In which we can no longer afford to be efficient

Rather than running around our organisation saying ‘we need resilience’ over and over I want to unpack what I mean. I’m doing it here as a way of working and thinking in public – it helps me to develop my ideas and is part of the openness which I think ...

Liminal space

Liminal space

This is quick personal note about leadership and ambiguity. I’m just about to step into the interim CEX role. I’m excited about this and feel very fortunate to be so well supported by by Martin and Paul, the other 2 directors as well as feeling grateful for the thoughtful and ...



Even when we are way beyond school age summer feels like a time of transition and this summer more than ever. It seems both endless and goes in the blink of an eye. Time has been distorted by our year of pandemic and I am feeling that sense of summer ...

Technological chicken meet social change egg

Technological chicken meet social change egg

This is the text I wrote for a session I did for the Leadership Centres’s Future Vision programme – clearly its not what I actually said but hopefully close enough. I’ve used it to work through a couple of questions and also drop in the references I used in the ...

Being Human

Being Human

I wanted to spotlight this wonderful piece from @georgejulian about curative candour.  George always writes with huge passion, rawness and insight but this piece about the effect that real honest and painful candour had when her mum was diagnosed with cancer is – and I don’t say this lightly – ...

Building a team with a team

Building a team with a team

A few years ago I met a really successful entrepreneur who told me that 80% of his time was spent looking for the right people – once he had them then all that was needed was to point them in the right direction.  I have never been quite sure of ...

Connecting the big ideas is the big idea

Connecting the big ideas is the big idea

This is a post about multidisciplinary working – something which we rely on but don’t often think about.  Multidisciplinary (or cross disciplinary if you are using the language of research or practice) or matrix (of you are using the language of organisational design) are essentially a bunch of experts trying ...

Enquiry map:  January 2021

Enquiry map: January 2021

This is a continuation of the previous iteration of the map which you can see here.  The enquiry map is an action research process to help me work through the early stages of working out what the actual questions are that need experimenting with.  I’m also going to use it ...

Setting an intent:  2021

Setting an intent: 2021

This is my check in with myself for the year.  It links to other stuff that I do/write in this annual week of reflection / intention setting and cupboard sorting. You can see last years post here and if you interested here is the one from 2019. How did 2020 ...

The why I blog blog

The why I blog blog

This is just a short intro to this blog to explain what its about.  Its also a bit of a user guide for people I work with so you can understand what I am doing here. It started as effectively the field notes for my doctoral research.  As I was ...


Digital Leadership All posts
Field Notes All posts
Democratic dreams

Democratic dreams

Another post with some dreams – very much from a personal perspective and as someone ...

NHS Citizen All posts