Policing 2.0 – slides and other thoughts

I was at the excellent Policing 2.0 conference on Monday – big congratualation for the team for a very well planned and executed event – and especially for keeping the webcast participants involved as well – great job.  Here as promised are my slides from the event:

I focused on talking about the challenges that pressure from the network society brings for all of government and tried to frame this within the pressures of budget cuts – have a look and see how well I managed this.  I also trailed some research we are doing on Virtual Community Policing – I promise to blog properly on this once we have had the kick off meeting in a couple of weeks.

It was in interesting day all round with Gordon Scobie given us all context for the event and both him and Nick Keane talking about the fact that use of social media and new forms of engagement really seem to be getting traction with the Police and there are lots of examples of good practice now. As Gordon says, the trick will be to ensure that we keep momentum while the CSR reverberates around government.

It was also interesting to see the localism agenda as described by Cat Drew from the Home Office and a lot of the messages were very consistent with what I heard last week at Solace which is encouraging. I am increasingly feeling however that the dull but vital subject of boundaries may be the huge elephant in the room with all of this talk of Localism – are we able to define Local across all areas of Government consistently?

Star of the show was Kevin Hoy from Greater Manchester Police talking about their day of tweeting. Will not talk much about this as Andrew has covered this here but it was interesting to hear about the detailed nature of the planning undertaken – will be great to see what they come up with when they have actually analysed the data.

The presentation led to brief back channel chat about whether this project could be described as co-production. I think the final conclusion was a tentative yes, if we start to see the hashtag used independently to run a conversation without the Police being involved – or if you take Dave Briggs point that all 999 calls are co-produced anyway!!

Other good stuff included:

  • Really nice in-depth discussion of the use of Google tools by Nathalie Profitt, Head of New Media at Leicestershire Police.  My enjoyment of the content was only slightly marred by the fact that you constantly have to have in mind that Google’s goals with these tools are all profit orientated and you have to stay alert to make sure that you are not compromising your civic purpose – or in fact anyone’s privacy
  • Great session from Christine and Kate from Sussex Police on the success of webcasting recent public meetings
  • Good session from Amanda Neylon on the Met’s Crime reporting tool – nicely argued with proper cost savings involved as well

I greatly regretted not seeing the MyPolice demo or hearing from the famous @hotelalpha9 but such is the nature of parallel sessions – have heard good things about both of these.

Overall very useful – though the thing that I was musing about in the car on the way home was this place issue.  After weeks of listening to people at conferences talk about the Big Society in parallel its even more clear how much we need to start thinking either of true partnership working or about how we equip the local community to manage what will be increasingly complex relationships with the different parts of government who will want to engage with it.

Next up the CIPR conference and then I’m staying on the office for a bit…..and writing up that co-production stuff I promised ages ago.



  1. Nick Keane

    October 19, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    Thank you for this.
    You caught so much of the spirit of the conference. I’m thinking about your final comments about how we equip communities and reflecting that Monday happened because of so many people who were willing to go the extra mile.
    Myles O’Connor the Operations Manager in NCALT came to me and said “this is not my current role now but let’s webcat the event”
    Tim Cullen the IT support did so many things that were beyond the call of duty.
    Amanda Smith, P.A. to ACC Mortimore went so far out of her role tha she created a totally different job for herself – quietly engaging with people online for the webcast while juggling the twitter feed and other things. Afetr she said it was the best day she had had at work.

    I could go on – however my point is that this is more than skills in the community it is the social glue and chemistry of a group of people coming together each part vital to the whole. The management of complexity is, in turn, a complex issue – this is a point that is often lost on some people.

  2. Paul Thomas

    October 19, 2010 at 10:03 pm

    Hi Catherine,

    I was excited to hear that the Buckshaw Village Community Form received a mention at your recent Policing 2.0 Conference. Would really like to be involved with Virtual Community Policing if possible. I Chair the Buckshaw Village PACT if you want to come along sometime! Thanks.

    Paul Thomas
    Buckshaw Village Community Forum

  3. curiouscatherine

    October 21, 2010 at 7:18 am

    Brilliant Paul – that would be great – I’ll drop you an email and we will see what we can do – first thing will be to speak with your local force.

    Would love to come and visit so will email you about that as well!

    Many thanks



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