Events, dear boy, events……as Harold Macmillan may or may not have said…..
This is a bit of a check in how the week has gone. I think fair to say considerably less serenity than last year which is down to me not protecting the time enough and also to the time coinciding with having the windows replaced – which is double bad planning my part.
In terms of the three things I wanted to do:
- I want to do some deeper thinking and respond to some work my team has been doing about how we organise ourselves: I’ve got something written up based on work the team had already started so that’s not finished but its in a good state to share
- I want to get around some of the future work that we are doing at CRUK – I am involved in three different themes and I want to organise my thinking on these and get a plan together: I’ve managed to shape up one of the themes but not done as much as I wanted in the other two
- I want to check in on the 3 areas of enquiry I laid out at the start of the year and also catch up with some people to see if I can do more active collaboration in this second half of the year: As one of the areas of enquiry cross over with the futures work I have definitely managed that on the social movements theme and I’ve also spent some time with DemSoc this week that puts me in the democratic innovation frame of mind so that feels like progress
I’ve also managed (I think) to reconnect with my 500 word mojo so will need to see if I can keep that up.
In myself I always feel so much better for having had some time to breathe and I am hoping that our latest Future of Work experiment on working 2 days a week from home will help me keep that up.
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