So – here we have a quick 10 point post from UKHealthcamp on Saturday…as ever a HT @danslee for the format!
- New unconferences have a flavour and tone of their own as a new community starts to form – I can’t wait to see where this one goes
- The work on NHS.UK Alpha to date is really impressive – but they will need the help and support of the community which was there on Saturday as well as many many more people to get the traction needed to deliver truly digital health services
- We need to make sure that we always invite the social care community to the health discussions and vice versa
- The question about health care records is at the centre of this challenge and cannot be treated simply as a technical problem – data is intrinsic to identity which is a deeply social not transactional thing
- Its worth people looking at the ideas for a participation passport embedded in the NHS Citizen design
- Effective multidisciplinary working takes time but is worth doing – part of that time needs to be spent being clear on the terms and the ideas that each discipline uses. My personal obsession are the different uses of codesign and coproduction but there are others…
- We have covered a lot of ground with NHS Citizen and it is vital that we make sure that our learning from this process is shared with the wider digital health community – NHS Citizen is not a technology project but I believe it has the digital mindset which is needed to develop 21st century services
- Questions get you further than answers generally
- Fabulous people exist in all parts of the system – our challenge is how to connect them
- Those of us who move between different parts of the system have a particular responsibility to connect people together
- I’m really glad I pitched a session – it would have been wrong to be talking about digital health without talking about patient participation
yes – it is indeed 11 points but rules are there for guidance not slavish following….
Huge thanks to everyone who organised the day as well as the people who attended – great way to spend a saturday
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