Posts Tagged: open practice

Social Media is the new black

Social Media is the new black

When it comes to leadership I believe in zero tolerance for digital ignorance.  The more I work with senior teams and around digital transformation projects the more strongly I believe that leaders need to make sure that they have relevant and robust skills around technology because without these they are making decisions with at best

Innovation labs and other animals

Innovation labs and other animals

I have been thinking a lot about innovation labs recently and this post is a collection of some of the examples which are in my mind as I ponder this.  I’d be really grateful if you could add any other examples to the comments – I know I have not got a comprehensive list here.



I wanted to do a quick capture of my thoughts about #PDDigital15 on Thursday – it was such a brilliant event I wanted to reflect on what made it so good. Here are some thoughts: Collaborative leadership: The event wouldn’t have happened without the amazing Victoria Betton but she is very clear that she didn’t do it

How complicated can it really be?

How complicated can it really be?

I’ve spent the day running through the feedback from our NHS Citizen design workshop in Bristol the other week and scratching my head on where we go next with the tech side of things. We’ll be publishing the feedback once we have chance to process it a bit but I wanted to muse a little