
Still working on that iphone problem

Well yes – I have not yet resolved my iphone quandry but have been thinking a lot about what I need from a mobile device as I really am that dull. Am now trying out an email update service which someone suggested to see if this provides the missing link. All would be well with

Life leak – its a nasty business

I have always been rather careful about letting different parts of my life interact with other parts. My parents had limited contact with my friends, I still keep two mobile numbers (work/personal in case you wonder), I fret about how to categorise people on instant messenger and I never email friends from my work email

Cultural imperialism?

Its a bit of a segue but has anyone else noticed that the Wimbledon commentators have all been talking about players needing to ‘change up’?  Is this a sign that Henman et al have been getting all street from watching The Wire???

the network society is networking the organisation

For various reasons I’ve been spending more time talking to engagement and communications teams recently.  That, combined with the usual work with democratic services has made me think about the way that technology changes the relationship with the citizen and that the emphasis on interaction requires a ‘coming together’ of communications, citizen engagement and formal

A paean to petitioning…..

I took part in an Petitions round table last week run run by the consultation institute. The round table format means you really get chance to talk through specific points and the group was all very fired up about what the new Local Democracy Bill will mean – and specifically what it will mean for